Kartoffel Films: Framing success through targeted outreach preview image

Kartoffel Films: Framing success through targeted outreach

Client profile


Kartoffel Films


London, United Kingdom


Videography, Marketing

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Kartoffel Films: Framing success through targeted outreach

Headline results


appointments in 6 months
A testament to Kartoffel's videography excellence and strategic lead generation

Company Overview

Kartoffel Films is a leading London video production and animation company with 11 years of experience and over 3,000 productions to their name. Known for their compelling video content and expansive network of 600+ professionals, they've become a go-to for brands worldwide. They craft visually stunning content that aligns with their clients' objectives, driving brand success and forging enduring partnerships.


The collaboration aimed to leverage Kartoffel Films' expertise in delivering impactful video services, connecting them with technology companies eager to enhance their marketing with high-quality video content.

Our Solution

Employing a comprehensively planned outbound cold email campaign, The Lead Gen Dept focused on identifying and engaging potential technology clients. By highlighting Kartoffel's unique value proposition and video production capabilities, the campaign was designed to capture interest and drive meaningful conversations.

Campaign Highlights

  • Targeted Engagement: Initiating a campaign with 2,423 leads, resulting in an impressive 65.58% open rate and a 7.3% reply rate, indicative of the compelling appeal of Kartoffel's offerings.
  • Positive Response: With 28.8% of replies marked as Positive, Referred, or To Follow Up, the campaign efficiently identified a significant interest pool, leading to productive engagements.
  • Confirmed Appointments: The campaign resulted in 38 confirmed meetings over six months, underscoring the effectiveness of the Lead Gen Dept's targeted efforts in amplifying Kartoffel Films' market presence.

This partnership between Kartoffel Films and The Lead Gen Dept showcased Kartoffel's videography skills and also highlighted the power of precision-targeted lead generation in translating creative prowess into tangible business growth.

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